First Church


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Prospective members may apply for membership through one of the following avenues:
1. Transferal of membership from another church and the Confession of Faith by acceptance of the Covenant as set forth in our By-Laws
2. Being fourteen years of age or older and the Confession of Faith by acceptance of the Covenant as set forth in our By-Laws
Once a person's desire for membership is indicated by one of the above actions, the Board of Deacons shall vote whether to accept him into membership at its next scheduled meeting. This vote by the Board of Deacons is the act by which membership is conferred.
Public acceptance of and into the fellowship of the congregation, while optional, is strongly encouraged. This ceremony is conducted during a worship service.
All Members are encouraged to attend regularly the services of the Church, shall give for its support and benevolences; and shall participate in the activities and work of the Church.